Which Of Them Indicates A Sense Of Obligation?A. A Necessity?B. A Prohibition, Disapproval Of Something That Was Done In The Past?

Which of them indicates a sense of obligation?a. a necessity?b. a prohibition, disapproval of something that was done in the past?

How Odin Lost His Eye Retold by: Catherine F. Sellew

The following are lines from the text: (1.) "Odin, the king of the gods, need to have more wisdom." (2.) "He ought to know more about his enemies." (3.) "The price of a drink must be a great sacrifice." (4.) "You should think again before you ask to drink." Among these lines, the one that indicates a sense of obligation are lines 3 and 4 while the one that indicates a sense of necessity is line 4, and the lines that indicates a sense of prohibition is also the 4th line.


A sense of obligation is seen on lines 3 and 4 of the given lines from the text "How Odin Lost His Eye". This is a type of feeling that something is the right thing to do. Cases where sense of responsibility is being exemplified are when children were taught to wear appropriate clothing for boys and for girls, and to behave as expected. However, allowing them to misbehave and not giving them punishment for such misbehavior is a loss of sense of responsibility.

A sense of necessity is seen on line 4 since the act of thinking or rethinking should be done before drinking on the well. Activities that show sense of necessity are often those that are between life and death. For instance, working in a company needs a sense of necessity to achieve the company goals and be successful. Without the sense of necessity, no employee would motivate himself to contribute something in achieving organizational success.

A sense of prohibition is seen also in line 4 since it disapproves drinking. Considering that drinking causes a lot and according to the story the price of a drink is equivalent to a lot of sacrifices. Activities that necessitate sense of prohibition are those that are done illegally just like drinking, gambling, drug abuse, and alcoholism.


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